The Government's plan is progressing at a slow pace

Four months after the launch of a resounding government plan to buy cars zero kilometer, was just 2.5% of the units provided. Bureaucracy in the adoption of formal credit and a cut in case the planned funds to feed this plan are among the main causes of what many see as a failure. Of the 100 thousand units that President Cristina Kirchner pledged to fund in early December last year, is currently only patented 2500.

"The plan had a longer implementation period than we had hoped, but we are now patented by hundreds of cars per month and soon to be thousands, so the plan will have more impact on the monthly figures," said the newspaper The National President of the Association of Automotive Dealers in the Republic of Argentina, Dante Alvarez. This body advises the Government on the design of the plan, although their ranks emerged from harsh criticism of the state bureaucracy. According to Infobae, banks authorized to provide credit lines to buy new cars that are not identified to receive the funds promised by the Government.

"There is no line of loans available," explained the Bank of Cordova. "The line of financing with funds from Anses is temporarily suspended and we are not taking orders, responding in the Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires . There is no quota for requesting an official plan, but we have lines of loans themselves, "was the response Credicoop Bank.


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